Guide To Anna University Regulation 2017 Choice Based Credit System
Anna University, Chennai has Introduced Regulation 2017 from the academic year 2017-2018 onwards
Students admitted to Under Graduate BE/BTech Programme at various Affiliated Institutions need to know the important Information Below
Students passed the Higher Secondary Examinations of (10+2) or Vocational stream can take BE Btech prescribed by the Government of Tamil Nadu
Lateral entry admission
Students completed Diploma in Engineering / Technology can apply for third semester of B.E. / B.Tech.
Also candidates who possess the Degree in Science (B.Sc.,) (10+2+3 stream) with
Mathematics as a subject at the B.Sc. Level are eligible to apply for Lateral entry admission
to the third semester of B.E. / B.Tech Updates Here
Various BE BTECH Programmes
Industrial Visit - Compulsory One Per Year
Every student is required to go for at least one Industrial Visit every year starting from the
second year of the Programme.
The Heads of Departments shall ensure that necessary arrangements are made in this regard.
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Anna University Regulation 2017 Guide |
Value Added Courses - Optional One
The Students may optionally undergo Value Added Courses
Students can take a maximum of two one credit courses / one two credit course during the entire duration of the Programme.
Maximum semester Students can Write Arrears
A student is ordinarily expected to complete the B.E. / B.Tech. Programme in 8 semesters (four academic years) but in any case not more than 14 Semesters for HSC (or equivalent)
candidates and not more than 12 semesters for Lateral Entry Candidates.
A student is ordinarily expected to complete the B.E. Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich)
Programme in 10 semesters (five academic years) but in any case not more than 18
Semesters for HSC (or equivalent) candidates.
Semester Examinations Subject Registration
Your college will register subjects for all semester Examinations
The student can also register for courses for which the student has failed in the earlier semesters
Student shall do reappearance registration for those subjects for which the attendance requirement is not compulsory
The student have the option to take up some other professional elective or open elective that he has
failed to pass
The total number of credits that a student is allowed to register per semester cannot exceed 36
The registration details of the candidates may be approved by the Head of the Institution and forwarded to the Controller of Examinations
Reg 2017 Flexibility to Drop courses
A student has to earn the total number of credits specified in the curriculum of the respective Programme of study in order to be eligible to obtain the degree.
From the III to final semesters, the student has the option of dropping existing courses in a
semester during registration. Total number of credits of such courses cannot exceed 6.
The student shall register for the project work in the final semester only.
Attendance Requirements To Complete the semester
Student is expected to attend all classes of all the courses and secure 100% attendance in order to give provision for certain unavoidable reasons such as Medical / participation in sports, the student is expected to attend atleast 75% of the classes.
students shall secure not less than 75% (after rounding off to the nearest integer) of
overall attendance candidate who secures overall attendance between 65% and 74% in the current semester due to medical reasons (prolonged hospitalization / accident / specific illness) / Participation in Sports events may be permitted to appear for the current semester examinations subject to the condition that the candidate shall submit the medical certificate / sports participation certificate attested by the Head of the Institution.
Anna University - System of Examination
For all theory and practical courses including project work, the continuous internal assessment
will carry 20 marks while the End - Semester University examination will carry 80 marks.
The University examination (theory and practical) of 3 hours duration shall ordinarily be conducted between October and December during the odd semesters and between April and June during the even semesters.
Procedure for awarding Marks for Internal Assessment
Theory and practical courses (including project work) the continuous assessment shall be for a maximum of 20 marks
Three tests each carrying 100 marks shall be conducted during the semester by the
Department / College concerned. The total marks obtained in all tests put together out of 300,
shall be proportionately reduced for 20 marks and rounded to the nearest integer (This also
implies equal weightage to all the three tests).
The maximum marks for Internal Assessment shall be 20 in case of practical courses.The criteria for arriving at the Internal Assessment marks of 20 is as follows: 75 marks shall be awarded for successful completion of all the prescribed experiments done in the Laboratory and 25 marks for the test. The total mark shall be reduced to 20 and rounded to the nearest integer.
Anna University - Subject Pass Marks
Students need to secure 50% of total marks prescribed for the course [Internal Assessment + End semester University Examinations].
Students need to secure minimum of 45% of the marks prescribed for the end-semester University Examination
The above is applicable for both theory and practical courses (including project work).
If a student fails to secure a pass in a theory course (except electives), the student shall do reappearance registration only along with regular students for that course in the subsequent semester
If the course, in which the student has failed, is a professional elective or an open elective, the student may be permitted to register for the same course, earn continuous assessment marks and attend the End Semester Examination or any other professional elective or open elective course in the subsequent semesters
If a student fails to secure a pass in a laboratory course, the student shall register for the course again, when offered next
If a student fails to secure a pass in project work, the student shall register for the course again, when offered next
The passing requirement for the courses which are assessed only through purely internal assessments (EEC courses except project work), is 50% of the internal assessment (continuous assessment) marks only
If a student has failed in the final semester examination he/she may be allowed to register for the course in the next semester itself
A student can apply for revaluation of the student’s semester examination answer paper in a theory course, within 2 weeks from the declaration of results
Anna University Awards of Grades
A student is deemed to have passed and acquired the corresponding credits in a particular course if he/she obtains any one of the following grades: “O”, “A+”, “A”, “B+”,“B”.
‘SA’ denotes shortage of attendance and hence prevention from writing the end semester examinations. ‘SA’ will appear only in the result sheet.
“RA” denotes that the student has failed to pass in that course. “W” denotes withdrawal from the exam for the particular course.
Letter Grade
Grade Points
Marks Range
91 - 100
81 - 90
71 – 80
B +
61 – 70
50 - 60
of Attendance)
Anna University Eligibility for Award
student shall be declared to be eligible for the award of the B.E. / B.Tech. Degree provided the student
i. Successfully gained the required number of total credits as specified in the curriculum
ii. Successfully completed the course requirements, appeared for the End-Semester examinations and passed all the subjects prescribed in all the 8 semesters / (10 Semesters for B.E. Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich)) within a maximum period of 7 years (9 years in case of B.E. Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich) and 6 years in the case of Lateral Entry) reckoned from the commencement of the first (third in the case of Lateral Entry) semester to which the candidate was admitted.
First Class with Distinction
A student who satisfies the following conditions shall be declared to have passed the examination in First class with Distinction
Should have secured a CGPA of not less than 8.50
Should have passed the examination in all the courses of all the eight semesters (10 Semesters in case of Mechanical (Sandwich) and 6 semesters in the case of Lateral Entry) in the student’s First Appearance within five years (Six years in the case of Mechanical (Sandwich) and Four years in the case of Lateral Entry). Withdrawal from examination will not be considered as an appearance
One year authorized break of study (if availed of) is included in the five years (Six years in the case of Mechanical (Sandwich) and four years in the case of lateral entry) for award of First class with Distinction
Should NOT have been prevented from writing end semester examination due to lack of attendance in any semester
First Class - Anna University
A student who satisfies the following conditions shall be declared to have passed the examination in First class Should have secured a CGPA of not less than 7.00
Should have passed the examination in all the courses of all eight semesters (10 Semesters in case of Mechanical (Sandwich) and 6 semesters in the case of Lateral Entry) within Six years. (Seven years in case of Mechanical (Sandwich) and Five years in the case of Lateral Entry)
One year authorized break of study (if availed of) or prevention from writing the End Semester examination due to lack of attendance (if applicable) is included in the duration of six years (Seven years in case of Mechanical (Sandwich) and five years in the case of lateral entry) for award of First class
Second Class - Anna University
All other students who qualify for the award of the degree shall be declared to have passed the examination in Second Class.
Anna University - Photocopy / Revaluation / Review
A candidate can apply for photocopy of his/her semester examination answer paper in a theory course, within 2 weeks from the declaration of results.
The Controller of Examinations will arrange for the revaluation and the results will be intimated to the candidate concerned through the Head of the Institutions. Revaluation is not permitted for practical courses and for project work
Candidates not satisfied with Revaluation can apply for Review of his/ her examination answer
paper in a theory course, within the prescribed date on payment of a prescribed fee
through proper application to Controller of Examination through the Head of the Institution
Candidates applying for Revaluation only are eligible to apply for Review.
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